Name: Alice Meyer
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen(Started as sixteen)
Birthday: No birthday
Anniversary: Not released
Flags: F0BREg-20
Model Number: SU03 / AL01(Aliceloid 01)
Color: Neon pink, neon green
Hair style: Pulled back in a high ponytail, with bangs that go to her eyelids
Hair color: Hot pink
Eye color: Her eyes are a forest green
Top half: She wears a hot pink tank top with top like Miku's, but unbuttoned at the bottom, and a belt that holds everything together with a triangluar pattern
Lower half: Shorts and boots like Miku
Accessories: A tie with a heart on the knot with sheet music patterns on the tie which change during songs she's singing, detached sleeves which play music, an a waist accessory
Custom background story: No background story
Personality: Alice is very bubbly and a bit spunky. She doesn't have much control over what she does, and just goes along with anything that's happening.
Pros: Bubbly, suitible, connects with people
Cons: Tough, a bit of an airhead
Extra Information: No extra information
Custom Relations:
Nigaito(Pitchloid) - Likes a lot, connects because of childish sounding voice
Kohime Nidai(Utau) - Likes a lot
Shinta Amaine(Utau/Starlit Utau) - Friends, fellow Starlit Utau
Hiromi(Utau/Starlit Utau) - Aquaintence, fellow Starlit Utau
Kusa Uindo(Utau/Starlit Utau) - Really likes, fellow Starlit Utau
Hiruki Asayawa(Utau/Starlit Utau) - Object of teasing, fellow Starlit Utau
Creator notes(Alice): Under construction, sorry.
Designer notes: As little creativity as I think I had while designing her, I also thing I had a lot of creativity. It sounds stupid when you hear of it, but it looks fine, I think. I really like how I did this.
Base by xDemonxAkumax, drawn by Soffie101.